Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Melting Snow

It has been very cold and snowy here in Ohio.

Today though, it was in the 58!

The driveway is full of slush, water and mud.

We have loved the beautiful snow and I really

feel thankful we've had some very cold weather.

It helps control  the bugs, such as ticks.

Blights and nasty stuff on my flowers.

This is the latest little mat I have hooked.

It is adaption of the back of an old penny.

Millie stayed with us last weekend while her family 

took a weekend getaway. She is our newest grand dog. 

Millie is a Corgi, they are herding dogs.

So the whole weekend she was herding my 2 Golden Retrievers.



  1. Nice hooked piece. Sweet dog she is very tired from her herding lol.

  2. lol! Pets are so much fun! They bring incredible amounts of joy to every day! :-) Beautiful hooked mat too! If there is a bright side to this miserable cold and snow.... it is DEFINITELY the less bugs in the Summer factor! Thanks for that! :-)

  3. Love your hooked Shield. I'm presently working on one myself albeit a smidgen different but the Shield nonetheless.
