It is snowing in Ohio I think it has let up a little but,
we are supposed to get more. It is January and I'd rather have snow than
rain and mud. The date today is pretty cool, 1-11-11!
I have been hooking and this is one of the rugs I finished.
I did list it on ebay tonight.
Last night I went to Katie's for Monday night hooking.
Thought I'd share some pictures with you.
Rhonda- My Glory Stars on the left finished this rug. She just needs to bind it.that is Stacie on the right. Stacie and I didn't hook we were
picking out wool.
Isn't this rug cute? This is Karen's rug and she loves to use a fine cut.No primitive stuff for her.
This is Phyllis's most recent rug.
She is sewing on wool binding for the first time.
This is Becky's rug, I'm working on this one too.
Love this rug!
Isn't this BIG!! Katie hooked this rug. It didn't take her that long to hook it.
I hate stepping on it.
Katie and Rhonda are color planning a rug.

This was the rug
Katie was working on.It is an area rug and I think she is going to put it in her dining room.
Have a great evening!
Stay Warm!