It is supposed to be hot and humid in Ohio this week. I'm not going to complain about it because before we know it summer will be over. This morning I went outside and took a few pictures of my favorite things.
This picture was taken walking out my front door. The geraniums are blooming, they didn't have any flowers on them a couple weeks ago.

This spring I started Lobelia from seed. The blue is so crisp, I just love them. The starts were so delicate but, they took off. I will definitely start them from seed again next year. The begonias that I planted with them are Vodka, they are a very nice bright red.

This picture is looking out my kitchen window. I have a window box outside our kitchen window. I really miss the flowers in the winter. I do put pines in the boxes in the winter but, it's not as good as flowers.
Thanks for stopping by have a nice evening!!