Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank Heavens For Electric!!

It came back on 24 hours after losing it.
Hurray!!! LOL!
Thanks for all you nice comments!
Love those pumpkins too. My friend Chris grew them, we call them Cinderella pumkins.
I'm going to Malabar tommorrow, see ya there!


  1. Yes ~ we'll be there!! Lots of good things we saw on our walkabout!!!

  2. i noticed those Cinderellas! My parent's grow them just so I can have them on my front porch! Love them!!
    and yes...electricity is cool!!

  3. Glad you are back among the "lit up!" ;-) We lost our power a while back, and the girls drove me a little crazy in that time. When I was able to get back on-line, I hit Facebook and whined a bit, ending with something like "How the heck did Abe Lincoln's mom do it?" and a wise acre posted back to me saying "She died young didn't she?!" Sigh.... Again, glad you have your electricity back!

  4. Glad you have electric - it's amazing how much we depend on it! Oh wow - malabar - you lucky gal!
