I had my camera with me, so had to take pictures. 3 of us got together today to make scarecrows.We were at my best friend Chris's farm. Chris has a beautiful place. She's going school to become a nurse and had a full time job. She just quit her job, I don't know how she's kept up with everything.

The barn is new, it had to be rebuilt. The old one collapsed in a bad storm.

Liz and I got to Chris's in the morning and started in. Not long after we got to Chris's we discovered that we had forgotten alot of the supplies we needed. So both of us went back to our houses to get stuff.

3 scarecrows are about finished. If you are wondering... we got the pattern out of the Country Living Seasons At Seven Gates Farm. It is one of my favorite books!!!

This is one of Chris's scarecrow. There were twigs still attached. The twigs looked like arms,it looks so good.

This is my scarecrow. It is made out of Cherry, looks like the old guy has a sunburn. I still need to attach his arms. I used an old lid and flipped it over. I'm going to put birdseed in the rim of the hat. I have a couple more to finish. I will post pictures after I get them finished.