The Larkspur that are blooming by the shed had seeded down from last year. I didn't really touch anything in the spring because I saw the little seedlings. I was getting ready for Lindsay's graduation party and didn't have time anyway. I think sometimes when you just leave something alone it turns out better.
When the Hollyhocks are in bloom it just reminds me of Grandma Butler. They decided to move into town and wanted us to move in their house. Every time I would visit here she would take me around her flower beds and tell me all the names of the flowers. I felt like I was cramming for a test because she would quiz me.
She would point out the tiny little seedling and all the different leaves of all the perennials. I always got a lesson on plant identification.
Now that I've lived here for 26 years I understand how she felt. I think she thought I would ruin all her flowers. But I didn't and I have added so many more plants.
It really makes me happy when my Hollyhocks and Larkspur are in bloom.
I love your flowers Julie. Just beautiful.