My flowers are still blooming.
I'm still watering and fertilizing them.
Today has been dreary and gloomy.
We are harvesting the corn on our farm.
The guys are finishing up today,it hasn't rained enough
to keep them out of the fields.
Lindsay is back at college, so we're empty nesters again.

Maddie harvested her ear of corn.

This is the chopper.
It looks like a transformer,
it is an awesome machine.

I did the picture backwards.
After the corn is chopped in the trucks they dump
and then they pack the pile of corn silage.
It preserves it.
We feed corn silage to our 500 heifers


I was riding in the silage truck with Tom.
We don't have a long way to go, just across the road.
They get alot done being so close.
There were 4 trucks running yesterday.

This is what it looks like inside the truck getting a load.
They were opening up a new field.

Meet Chumlee!
Yes, named after Chumlee on Pawn Stars.
Hope everyone has a great week!!