This is a good year for growing Phlox in Ohio. The purple clusters of flowers are the phlox. The low flowers in the front are Profusion Zinnia. Of course, sunflowers are the tallest. I didn't plant the sunflowers, they are volunteer. They seed down every year. The Gold Finches love them and eat all the seeds. It is amazing that they seed down because the finches eat all the seeds.

I'm going to plant wave petunias again next year. They do so well when you plant them right in the ground. There are just a few plants that I planted. Wave petunias are a good ground cover.

Tommy cut down a tree for me this spring. So we are lacking shade for some of my hostas. They are doing ok though. The hosta in the picture is called Dance With Me. I planted it last year and it's one of my favorites.

My morning glories have grown!! They have started to take over. I love the blue flowers. I can't believe we are a couple weeks into August. The summer is flying by.