Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sampler Hooked Rug

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. It was very busy because Christmas Eve we drive north to Marblehead to my father inlaw's. All of my husband's brothers and sister and their families are there. We spent the evening there then, drive home. Christmas day we open presents in the morning then head to my mom and dad's around noon. We had a nice Christmas.
Tonight I'm going to list this rug on Ebay. The design is from Stacy Nash. I met her this fall at Malabar Farms in Lucas, Ohio. I used to cross stitch but, I like hooking these days. I asked her if I could hook her samplers and she was very nice and said yes. I love partriotic deigns and love the way this turned out.
Hope everyone has a great week!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday Night Hooking

Karen was hooking this Merry Christmas rug. It is so detailed, she used a fine cut. The face of the santa looks like a painting.

On the left is Karen, Stacie, Rhonda, Becky and Katie.

I have been getting ready for Christmas. Monday night I went hooking at Katie's house. The first rug is an adaption of an antique rug. Love the rug!!

Becky was working on a hit or miss. I love the colors she used!!

Thank you Stacie for the ornaments, she needlepunched Merry Christmas across the snowman, it is so nice. Becky gave me a tin full of beautiful cookies and chocolates. She also put a painted snowman wooden spoon. Rhonda made us a awesome apron with a quilted sheep on the pocket. I love everything, thank you so much for the gifts!!!

This is a rug Katie is hooking. It is a fine cut and is really nice!

Another rug that Katie is hooking for her son. It's him snowboarding, she mixed in yarn and ribbon with the wool.

Rhonda, Becky and Katie.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Christmas Tree

We are getting closer to the big day! Here is a picture of our tree. My son Tommy went to a Christmas Tree farm not far from our house and cut it down. It is a 10' Blue Spruce, which I love because I can put my heavy Hallmark ornaments on it.

I've got most of my shopping done, just have to buy stocking stuffers. Last Friday night my friend Chris and I went on the Christmas Home Tour in our area. It was a fund raiser for Relay For Life, the money goes for Cancer research. It really puts you in the Christmas spirit! I really appreciate all the work that each homeowner puts into decorting their homes for the tour.

Tommorrow night I'm going to Katie's house to hook. Hopefully I can take some pictures, everyone there is always hooking great rugs!!

Happy Holidays!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Snowman Rug

Good evening everyone!! It's been awhile since I've updated my blog. I've been busy Christmas decorating and shopping. I'm almost done with shopping and I did most of my shopping online. How easy is that?? Most places had free shipping. I've had the most problems with Christmas lights. Do you have lights that half the string is lit and the other half not working? Went to the store and bought another strand, came home plugged them in and they didn't work. So back to the store to exchange them. It drives me crazy!!
I finished up this snowman rug today. I hooked one last year but, it was smaller. It turned out BIG!! I listed it on Ebay tonight. Hope everyone has a great week!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holiday Rugs

I just listed these rugs on Ebay tonight. Finally got them done, I've been moving slow. LOL! They were both hooked by me and the design is by Lori Brechlin~Notforgotten Farms.
Can't believe Thanksgiving is Thursday. We will be going to my mom and dad's, mom fixes al the food. She is a great cook!! Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back To Reality

This is a picture I took in St. Thomas of our cruise ship from a mountain.

We are getting ready to stop at Dominico. I loved going out on our balcony to watch the ship dock and when we left the ports.

We flew to Puerto Rico on Friday and stayed there a couple days. I really liked Puerto Rico, we toured the forts. Road the trolley thru town, the streets are so narrow! We ate one night at the Hard Rock Cafe, the food was really good. We stayed at the Sheraton Old Suan Juan. It was very nice. Then got on the Carribean Princess on Sunday. There were over 3,000 passengers, the ship was huge. When we docked it looked like a high rise apartment~WOW!
The weather was 86 everyday. We had a great time and it was fun being with family. We got back to Puerto Rico last Sunday, it took all day to get home. We got back from our vacation last Monday morning at 1:30 AM
So back to reality.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

~Holly Jolly Rug~

I have been hooking this rug but, couldn't get it done. I do have a good start on it so, it will have to wait till I get back from vacation.

It is another Lori brechlin design~ Notforgotten Farms~ Wynter Tyme booklet. I ran out of the primitive white, I knew I had more. Finally, found some more that I had dyed. If you want the pattern you can get it from Lori's picturetrail. Better get it fast she is going to retire all her older booklets.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I will be gone for Veteran's Day Nov. 11. So I'm posting this early. Thank you Veterans!!

We are leaving on vacation Friday morning. Our plane leaves at 6:00 AM, so we are getting a hotel Thursday night by the airport. We are flying to Puerto Rico then getting on a cruise ship. I can't believe it's finally here and we're going. My sons will be staying at our house. Lindsay is at college but, tells me she's coming home for the BIG party at our house. HOPE they are kidding me!!!

I was sick off and on since August. Something was wrong but, my Dr. couldn't figure it out. She thought it was my gallbladder, I finally got a HIDA scan. No, wasn't that. Still I was so nauseous. So I went to Gastro Dr., I got a scope and he found a polyp in my stomach and removed it. I also have mild acid reflux. I'm so glad I went, feel so much better. All the clothes I bought are too big, that's a good thing. So had to buy more.
I am going to miss some good shows and Christmas Open Houses at some of my favorite shops. Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

~Santa With A Feather Tree Rug~

Tonight I listed this rug on Ebay. It was hooked by me and the design is a Polly Minick design. I really like the old gold background.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. It was sun shiny here in Ohio today, which always puts me in a great mood. Tommorrow I'm going to have a busy day. I have an appointment to get new tires. Lindsay and I went shopping last Thursday and I pulled in the parking lot and we heard a LOUD hissing. My tire went flat,I ran over a piece of metal. Anyway, this couple was walking by as I was on the phone to Ford's Roadside Assistance. Of course the phone rang busy!! The guy offered to put on my spare, so I said ok. I was so thankful. Anyways, Katie if you are reading this the couple was from Ashland, Ohio. I told them that I was from Loudonville. They asked me if I knew one of their friends. So in turn the first person from Ashland that I thought of was Katie. Well, the wife was a teacher and had both of your kids in her class. The Johnsons. Anyway, I need to find out their address because I would love to send them a card. They saved us!! LOL!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

~ Fall Migration~

It rained all day here in Ohio yesterday. The geese and ducks were enjoying it. This is on our farm we have an 18 acre marsh. Yesterday we had 3 flocks fly in. I couldn't count them all but, I would say there were several hundred geese.
Today my husband, Tom and son, Tommy are going to the OSU game. Think I'm going to hook all day."GO BUCKS"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

~Monday Night Hooking~

Last night was hooking night at Katie Allman's~Kidl'-de-Divey Woolens. I have to admit I didn't hook, I just love to watch and talk to everyone. Isn't this rug beautiful that Katie is hooking? It needs to be in RHM.
I bought some beautiful wool, can't wait to hook with it.

Stacy had just moved her rug on her frame, she has alot more hooked on her rug.

Katie hooked this rug. The design is by Wendy Miller~The Red Saltbox. Katie works in the ER and said she was going to display the rug there. LOL!! Wouldn't that scare ya to get well fast??

Rhonda is hooking another BEAUTIFUL rug, I just love the colors she used. The design out of the book With These Hands. Keep watching myglorystars on Ebay she is going to sell this rug.

This is Becky,she's new like me. She was hooking this primitive pumpkin, I love it. Becky is a school bus driver, I know the kids must love her because she is so sweet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

~Santa Rug~

It sure is chilly here in Ohio. The sun was shining today, so that makes it seem warmer. It is supposed to get warmer here this week. Tonight I lised this santa rug on Ebay. It is a Need'l Love pattern. I love patriotic santas. Hope everyone has a great week.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

~Snowman Rug~

I just listed this rug on Ebay tonight. I have been wanting to hook this rug. It's on the cover of Create and Decorate Feb. 2008 issue. The design is Tina Payton and is the cutest snowman pattern.
I hooked all day today, I'm trying to get a santa rug finished. Hopefully I can get it finished by the end of the week. We are going on a cruise the beginning of Nov., so I want to get some rugs hooked for the holiday season. Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~Pumpkin Thyme~

Hope everyone is having a great week.
I just finished this rug and will be listing it on Ebay
later on tonight. This is the last pumpkin rug I am going to hook, I want to start hooking some Santa and snowman rugs.
Can't believe it's Oct.!! My flower beds need cleaned up. I have to dig all my dahlia tubers up and put them away for winter. We did get our 1st frost last week,a little early. The leaves haven't changed yet, can't wait hope they are pretty this year.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

~Halloween Rug~

Tonight I listed this rug on Ebay. It's a Lori Brechlin design~Notforgotten Farms. It was fun to hook!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

~Hooking With Friends~

This is Rhonda ~myglorystars. Love the rug she is hooking! The colors she chose are beautiful.

Lots of beautiful wool.

Stacy and Katie

Katie's beautiful Persian cat.

This is a rug that hangs above the mantle. It is Katie and her sister on the beach at Lakeside/Marblehead, Ohio.

This is the rug that Stacy was working on, love the colors she used.
The picture below is the rug Katie is working on for charity.

Last night I went to hook with some girls. This is a first for me. Can you believe I've never hooked with anyone?? I like to talk instead of working on hooking but, I did hook. Katie has a Townsend so, I got to cut all my wool with it. It does "cut like butter". Katie has beautiful wool. Rhonda~myglorystars and Stacy were there.
They don't hook in the summer so, this is the first one. Katie is working on a huge rug that she is going to sell and give the money to a family. When she decides to do this I will put all the info. on my blog.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

~Malabar Farm In the Spirit of Friends Show~

Left to right: Lisa, Kaye, me, Lori, Sherry, Karin, Bobbie

I had a fun weekend!! First, on Friday I went to Katie's house for a wool sale. She was selling it by the bag, I bought 14 bags. Saturday morning I met Sherry and her husband and took Sherry first to Katie's house so she could buy wool. Katie still had plenty of wool. Sherry bought 14 bags and I bought 2 more. It's addictive!! We then headed to Malabar Farms, where we were meeting our internet friends. We met at Bobbie's booth at 12:00. Sherry spotted Zoe first, that is Lori Rippey's adorable little Yorkie. It was so much fun talking with everyone that you usually don't see face to face.
I got to meet Sheila, don't know why she isn't in the picture. Also, got to see Rhonda~ myglorystars, Julie Thornton~crudeblackewe, Alice~folkartprimitives. It was so nice talking to everyone. Lori and her husband drove 14 hours from Northern Michigan. Bobbie's from Michigan also but, not as far north.

Also, I met Stacy Nash. I love her patterns and her finished cross stitch pieces. I bought her book, can't wait to get started. There will be a little twist to the pattern, Stacy said it would ok. So stay tuned LOL!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~ Another Olde Rag Doll Rug~

I listed this rug on Ebay last night. I have a hard time getting the colors of the rug to come out right in the photo. The doll colors are a grungy white and I think they appear too bright.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

~ Go Bucks!!~

The Goodyear Blimp just flew right over my house. They are heading down to Columbus to The OSU VS. USC Game. I was helping Lindsay load her car to head down to the game when the blimp flew over. She and her college friends are getting together at her apartment. Go Bucks!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

~Happy Labor Day~

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I just listed this rug on Ebay tonight. It was fun to hook and the design is by Buttermilk Basin. I don't know what I'm going to start next.
Hope everyone has a safe Labor Day and a great week!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

~Flag Rug~

I just hooked this rug for a birthday present for my friend Chris. The pattern is Blackbird Design, I changed the colors. I'm going to make one for myself, I love patriotic rugs!
I have been sick since last Wednesday. I have felt terrible!! I had a gallbladder, liver, and kidney scan this morning. Everything is good, I'm so relieved. One more test to come back. I'm feeling alot better tonight. One good thing I lost 10 pounds.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~Sunflowers, Zinnias and Dahlias~

I put up the 1st fall decoration. This year I'm hoping to get all my fall decorations out,last year I didn't.

My Zinnias are in full bloom, trying to keep the dead flowers cut so they keep on blooming.

Dahlias in many colors.

Volunteer sunflowers. I don't know what variety they are but, that is 1 plant.

This hanging wire basket still blooming, some of the other ones have died.

Sedums and Hens and Chicken planted in child's rubber boot.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

~Pumpkin Rug~

It was so cloudy and gloomy today here in Ohio. Hopefully, tommorrow the sun will shine so I can mow.
I just listed this rug on Ebay tonight. The design is by Lori Brechlin Notforgotten Farms. I have been hooking so many of Lori's designs, feel like a Lori Brechlin groupie. LOL!!!