Sunday, June 29, 2008

Primitive Old glory Hooked Rug on Ebay
Just listed this rug on Ebay. It is hooked by me and the design is by Blackbird Designs.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Larkspur and Hollyhocks

The Larkspur that are blooming by the shed had seeded down from last year. I didn't really touch anything in the spring because I saw the little seedlings. I was getting ready for Lindsay's graduation party and didn't have time anyway. I think sometimes when you just leave something alone it turns out better.

When the Hollyhocks are in bloom it just reminds me of Grandma Butler. They decided to move into town and wanted us to move in their house. Every time I would visit here she would take me around her flower beds and tell me all the names of the flowers. I felt like I was cramming for a test because she would quiz me.
She would point out the tiny little seedling and all the different leaves of all the perennials. I always got a lesson on plant identification.
Now that I've lived here for 26 years I understand how she felt. I think she thought I would ruin all her flowers. But I didn't and I have added so many more plants.

It really makes me happy when my Hollyhocks and Larkspur are in bloom.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lake Erie~Marblehead

Today we went to visit my father inlaw. He bought a new toy for himself, a Segway. This is great for Tom's dad. He takes it on his boat and when he stops he uses it to get around the islands. This is my husband Tom riding on it. He LOVED it. He wants to get one for the barn. LOL!
I tried riding it and drove it around a little. But what you aren't seeing in the picture is all my brother inlaws watching. So I had them and 15 people telling me how to ride it. I could of have done a better job of riding it if everyone wasn't watching me.
The pictures aren't the greatest I took them with my cell phone.

My father inlaw's new boat at the dock. It's brand new and back at Clemons to get ready for a 3 week boat trip to Canada. He's heading up to Honey Harbour Canada. That's where my husband and I honeymooned. My inlaws brought their boat up then but we could never meet up with them. No cell phones then.

The Nansea is named after my mother inlaw, Nancy that passed away 4 years ago. We all miss her.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Patio Container

The flowers I planted are starting to grow.

I think you should just wait and buy flowers when they're bigger at the greenhouse.LOL!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Listed This Rug

This is a rug I just listed on Ebay. It is a Lori Brechlin design out of Summer Tyme Stitcheries Book.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I finally got Tansy growing. I just love it. It looks like a fern and it's so hardy.

Bought the water can at Scott's Antique Show. It's one of those from Europe. Love the spout.

We had to cut down the tree that was shading these hostas. I think I'm probably goignt to have to move them. They're getting too much sun.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This is one of my favorite Hostas. I've lost the tag. I know it's a Frances Williams series~ I think. Love the little fern also.

We redid our rusty fence. Planted scarlett and white for OSU of course.

The yellow Azalea is blooming in the front of our house. My husband's grandmother planted there years ago. I also have a Sum It Up Hosta in front of it. The leaves are HUGE. Bigger even than Sum and Substance

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lindsay Graduated June 1,2008

My youngest graduated yesterday June 1,2008. It was a very emotional day for me. When the boys graduated I knew in the back of my mind that I still had Lindsay. But knowing this is the end of high school for all the kids was bittersweet. Lindsay is very excited about entering college in the fall and I'm excited for her.

It was a perfect day the temperature was 73. Just a beautiful day. Lindsay's party was nice and alot of people came. And we had enough food. LOL!!