Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

OH NO!! I Got Tagged

I Have Been Tagged
My friend Betty has tagged me!! Now I have to share 5 weird facts about me..

#1 I LOVE to mow. On my John Deere though,not push mowing.

#2 I'm obsessed with rug hooking and everything about it.

#3 I'm super allergic to haircolor.

#4 I write and eat with my left hand. Everything else I do with my right hand. Like hook rugs, catching a ball, and cutting with scissors, etc..

#5 My kids have only heard my husband call me Julie about 5 times in their lives. My husband calls me Lovie.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Getting Ready to Start Seeds

I'm getting everything ready to start seeds. I start all my flats of flowers in the barn. The old milk parlor is the perfect place.
This is one of my favorite birdhouse. RT Mellor made it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Here are Some Rugs I've Sold or Given Away

This rug is one of my favorites. It is a Need'l Love Summer Spirits pattern. I entered in our local fair. I got a blue ribbon. My father inlaw said he liked it ~so I gave it to him for a Christmas present.

This is a rug I sold on Ebay. I'm going to make another one for myself. It's a Kindred Spirit design.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Funny Auction Story

I'm still looking at all my pictures. I ran across this one~the urn planters. I was at an auction a couple years ago, I met my friend Chris and her grandpa there. It was a winter auction held inside, got a no.. Walked straight in and saw they were auctioning these off. I ran over and they were only going for 5.00. I ended up with the 2 pedestal and the planters for 25.00.
After I bought them I was thinking OMG! how am I going to get them home!! They were filled with dirt. Everyone kept saying, "we were going to buy those but couldn't lift them."
I called my son Tommy who said "where are ya?" We got a dolly and got the first planter to the truck. I couldn't lift it because it weighed too much. This great big guy asked Tommy if he needed help. Oh great, they got the first one in the truck. Then we took the second urn to the truck. Tommy thought, let's take the dirt out of the urn. Great idea... Here there were rocks in the bottom and that's why they were so heavy.
The whole time Tommy is complaining, "mom you just don't think. How would you have gotten these in the truck if I didn't come up here?" I replied, "you can have the planters when I die."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Ohio State University

Lindsay just got the letter today. She got accepted to OSU main campus in Columbus!!
This makes her father and brother really happy since they are OSU allumni.
O-H-I-O Go Bucks!!!!

The Winter Storm is Over

Looking out my kitchen window.

My friend Chris and I made these guys 3 years ago.They are from the Seasons book. I just love them. they look bare out there,in the summer they are surrounded by sunflowers.

This is what it looks like in the summer.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Organizing Wool...

Just listed this rug on Ebay.
Tryin to organize my wool...again. I need 3 more of these bin. This isn't even a 1/4 of my wool.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Can't Wait till Spring!

My Golden Retriever Gracie.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

*~ New Ebay Listing ~*

Just listed a new rug on Ebay. Hooked by me the design is from Notforgotten Farms Fraktur Folk~Lori Brechlin.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Other 2 Kids

Danny races National ATV Motocross. He works at Exodus Cycles in Millersburg he works on quads,motorcycles,and dirtbikes.

This is Lindsay& her three-legged Golden Retriever, Gustoppo. She is my youngest of three. Her senior year is going by so fast I can't believe she'll be graduating in June.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's Ground Hog Day!!

The Ground Hog saw his shadow~6 more weeks of winter.

Wild Turkeys

My oldest son Tommy who works for the Ohio Division of Wildlife tagging turkeys.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ice Instead of Snow.....No School

I'm still finding pictures of last summer's flowers.
Kitchen window box underneath the box is a little pond.

Back of our house
